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Jamie Suber Appointed to National Association of State Workforce Agencies Board

Mon, 10/11/2021

S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce’s Jamie Suber selected to serve leadership roles with the National Association of State Workforce Agencies

Columbia, SC – The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) is excited to announce that Jamie Suber, Chief of Staff and Acting UI Director, has been elected to the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) Board of Directors and has been made Chair of the NASWA UI Committee.

NASWA is a national member-based organization that represents all 53 states and U.S. territories related to the areas of workforce development, unemployment insurance, and labor market information. Jamie Suber is one of the 15 board members selected to represent the various NASWA regions of the country. The board’s duties are to direct the business of the association.

“We are proud of Jamie and his nomination to this prestigious association. With the help of Jamie’s leadership and vision, our agency worked successfully through the pandemic. Moreover, we were able to rise to the challenges of the past year and a half because of Jamie’s service as Acting UI Director. He invested years moving this agency forward and making it agile so we could address unexpected events,” said Director Dan Ellzey. “Board members represent those in our industry with expertise, knowledge and insight in this national space, and his selection is well-deserved.”

Suber has been a part of the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce for more than 15 years. During his tenure, Suber has held leadership roles through a recession, a modernization of the benefits system and the employer tax system, and a pandemic.

“It is a privilege to serve on the NASWA Board. Having been a member of the NASWA community for years, I have experienced the benefits that national collaboration and partnership bring to this field. I have also been extremely proud of the active role this agency has had in that space. Our state is frequently modeled, and our developments are often shared as best practices. It is an honor to move into this additional leadership role and to have the opportunity to serve with other leaders from across the country and collaborate while representing the citizens of South Carolina.”

Incoming executive committee and board members assumed their respective posts upon election at the NASWA Annual Membership Meeting on September 22, 2021. All positions serve a one-year term, except the treasurer, who serves two.

For a listing of NASWA’s regions visit: