The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina



SUITS will undergo monthly maintenance and be temporarily unavailable on Sunday, July 7, from 12-4 PM. We thank you for your patience.

A reminder that DEW offices and SC Work Centers will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Some financial institutions may also be closed on Thursday, which may delay your payment.

Are you a young person looking for part-time or summer work? Explore the Youth Employment Site! 

DEW Website Redesign Revealed

Fri, 02/19/2021

S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Launches Refreshed Website
Redesign Offers Improved User Experience and Robust Mobile View

Columbia, S.C. – The Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) is excited to announce a refresh to the informational platform that provides users with information about the Unemployment Insurance (UI) process, workforce opportunities and labor market information, as well as links to all of the critical services associated with our agency, including the MyBenefits portal for UI claimants., is a mobile-focused site with an emphasis on an improved, streamlined user experience.

New features for the DEW website include an easy to find “How Do I?” drop down menu that prompts users with direct access to answers for common questions, a glossary for UI language, embedded widgets of recent important Facebook posts and tweets from the agency and easy access to DEW’s verified social media accounts.

Check out our new YouTube video here highlighting some of the new features!

“Because is the main resource claimants and employers use to stay updated on unemployment benefits and evolving federal programs, our website has been one of the most in-demand state agency sites during this pandemic. We spent a lot of time listening to claimants and employers regarding their experience with the system. We then took that feedback to a vendor who specializes in government websites to create the refreshed look. These changes are a reflection of our customer’s input and we appreciate the time they spent on this. DEW is always looking for new ways to be better and bring resources, information and access to those who heavily rely on us during this crisis,” stated S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director, Dan Ellzey.

Other Resources:
In addition to the improved web experience, DEW has other resources to ensure interacting with the agency is convenient, including:

  • SCWOS Mobile App
    • Allows UI claimants the ability to conduct work searches as they apply for benefits each week.
    • Allows employers to find new hires and post jobs on the state’s largest jobs database (SCWOS).