Apply for and certify your claim here.
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A reminder that DEW offices and SC Work Centers will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Some financial institutions may also be closed on Thursday, which may delay your payment.
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S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Introduces Recall Taskforce to Support the
Restart of the Economy and Reengagement of the State’s Workforce.
Agency partners with Accelerate SC, State Workforce Development Board, Local Workforce Development Boards;
balances administration of federal unemployment insurance programs and reemployment efforts.
COLUMBIA, S.C. – “Welcome back to work, South Carolina,” was the introduction of a letter sent to South Carolina businesses and business associations last week from the Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) that introduced its Recall Taskforce. The Taskforce is one of the many resources the agency is offering employers – and employees – as Gov. McMaster begins to reopen the state.
As the agency continues to help businesses understand the different federal funding programs available to the workforce and the eligibility requirements of each one, the Recall Taskforce’s role is to support the important transition from temporary federal funding to employment with long-term stability. The Taskforce also strives to ensure that individuals understand their essential role in returning to work, while providing guidance to those who still face challenges in returning to work.
“It is important for the overall economic health of the state that employers have employees ready and able to return to work,” said Dan Ellzey, Executive Director of the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce. “We know that most workers will be relieved and eager to return to their jobs, but also understand that the restart may create difficult situations for some employers and employees. We’re here to help and look forward to making the process run as smoothly as possible.”
In the last two months the state has experienced a swing from historic lows in unemployment rates prior to the pandemic to initial claim filings that have more than quadrupled the numbers of the Great Recession. Now, the agency is preparing for return-to-work employment efforts as the Governor and his partners through Accelerate SC make plans to reopen the state.
In addition, DEW is working with the State Workforce Development Board and the Local Workforce Development Boards to map reemployment of workers as well as potential changes to the workplace due to the lingering influence of COVID-19.
“While our agency continues to process and work through the inordinate number of claims received in the past two months, the vast majority of the nearly 450,000 South Carolinians who have filed initial UI claims in the past several weeks are excited to get back to the work they were forced to leave when the pandemic hit. Even as they do, we will continue to pay back-dated claims for those eligible an individual’s weeks of unemployment. For those who are facing new and unusual challenges in returning to work, we will assist them through the process, answer their questions and determine whether they will continue to be eligible for UI benefits.
“The Recall Taskforce will work with employers to keep current records and maintain the integrity of the funding programs. Employers will be responsible for notifying the Taskforce if an employee declines an offer of work, so that we can conduct the proper due diligence to determine that worker’s continued eligibility,” said Ellzey.
Employers are asked to coordinate with the Taskforce and provide information about declined employment offers by going to and clicking the Employers tab. This is where they will find information about the Recall Taskforce and Offers of Work.
About the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce
The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce is putting South Carolinians to work. The agency has four missions: (1) workforce development; (2) free job match employment services; (3) unemployment insurance; and (4) labor market information. All four missions contribute to workforce development. The agency is dedicated to advancing South Carolina through services and programs that meet the needs of our businesses, jobseekers and those looking to advance their careers.