Apply for and certify your claim here.
SUITS will undergo monthly maintenance and be temporarily unavailable on Sunday, July 7, from 12-4 PM. We thank you for your patience.
A reminder that DEW offices and SC Work Centers will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Some financial institutions may also be closed on Thursday, which may delay your payment.
Are you a young person looking for part-time or summer work? Explore the Youth Employment Site!
DEW Acting Executive Director Jamie D. Suber’s Statement
February 2019 Employment Situation
“Because employment numbers continue to hit record levels as people entering or returning to the workforce find employment, DEW programs such as Jobs for America’s Graduates-SC (JAG-SC) become more imperative than ever. Assisting high-risk middle and high school students to move confidently toward graduation and ultimately a successful career is one of the many ways the agency connects employers with a pipeline of workforce talent. JAG-SC has been recognized with the National JAG 5-of-5 award for eight consecutive years, exceeding standards for graduation rate, school placement rate, total positive outcome rate, job placement rate and full-time jobs rate. Students from around the state will gather in the Midlands for the spring summit in April to share their project work, participate in career development competitions and attend the awards conference. We are excited to welcome their future contribution to the workforce system.”
About the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce
The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) is putting South Carolinians to work. The agency invests in building a pipeline of quality workers, matches workers with jobs, and is a bridge for individuals who find themselves out of work for no fault of their own. This promotes financial stability and economic prosperity for employers, individuals and communities. DEW is dedicated to advancing South Carolina through services that meet the needs of the state’s businesses, jobseekers and those looking to advance their careers.